Advanced Routing

Kyoukai supports some advanced features of Werkzeug’s routing, such as building URLs from an endpoint automatically.

Subdomain Support

This is a TODO, and will be implemented in a later version.

URL Building

URL building from endpoints is supported via the usage of either HTTPRequestContext.url_for() or Blueprint.url_for(). The former is recommended over the latter as it automatically provides the environment for the Map to bind to.


Endpoints for the usage in URL building are generated using a simple formula:

- take the name of the Blueprint

- take the name of the callable for the route

- combine them separated by a single dot (.)

For example, a Blueprint defined as Blueprint("api") and a route defined as def get_all_users(...) will have the endpoint of api.get_all_users. It is possible to override the endpoint by passing endpoint= to either Blueprint.wrap_route() or Blueprint.route() (and the route group equivalent).

Changed in version 2.2.0: Added the ability to override the endpoint for a route.

Building the URL is simple:

url = ctx.url_for("api.get_all_users")

If the same endpoint has multiple methods, pass methods to the function:

url = ctx.url_for("api.something_with_users", methods=["POST"])

To enforce external URLs only (i.e not relative), pass force_external = True:

url = ctx.url_for("api.get_all_users", force_external=True)

Finally, if your route is defined with parameters (e.g def get_user(ctx, user_id: int)):

url = ctx.url_for("api.get_all_users", user_id=1)

Multiple Paths For One Route

It is possible to have multiple paths for a single route by stacking the Blueprint.route() decorator repeatedly.

bp = Blueprint("something")

async def handler(ctx, id):

Custom methods can be defined for each path, too. The methods are associated with one path, and will not affect the methods of the other paths.

@bp.route(“/users/<id:int>”, methods=[“POST”]) @bp.route(“/users/<id:int>/profile”) # uses “GET”, “HEAD” by default async def handler(ctx, id):

This can be done with route group decorators too, by stacking the route decorator on top of eachother.

Manual Mode

To manually add a new routing path to a route, you can use Route.add_path().

bp = Blueprint("something")

async def handler(ctx, id):
