Asphalt usage

The Asphalt Framework is a microframework for asyncio-based applications and libraries, providing useful utilities and common functions to projects built upon it.

It also provides a common interface for applications to use components to enhance the functionality in an easy asynchronous way.

Config File

The core part about adding Asphalt to your project is the config.yml file that exists at the core of every app. This defines how the application should be ran, and what settings each component within should have.

These config files are standard YAML files, with one document. An example file for a Kyoukai project would be:

  type: kyoukai.asphalt:KyoukaiComponent
  app: app:kyk

Let’s break this down.

1. First, you have the component: directive. This signifies to Asphalt that you wish to define a list of components to add to your project.

  1. Next, you have the type directive. This tells Asphalt what type of component to use in the application.

In this example, the KyoukaiComponent is specified directly, meaning that you wish the framework to create a single-component application, with the root component being Kyoukai’s handler.

3. Finally, the app directive. This tells the KyoukaiComponent to use the app specified by the string here.

In app:kyk, the first part before the : signifies the FULL IMPORT NAME (the name you would use in an import statement, e.g import app), and the second part signifies the object to use.

To run an app using Asphalt, you merely need to run:

asphalt run config.yml

The Asphalt runner will automatically run and load your application.

Adding Components

Components are a way of adding useful parts to your project without additional manual set up. In this example, we
will add a SQLAlchemy component to the app.

The Container

First, a new container object is required to store the components that are added to the application. Every container is inherited from asphalt.core.component.ContainerComponent in order to add components to the app.

We’re gonna start with a small project layout:

$ ls --tree

├── application
│   └──
├── static
└── templates

This will be the basic project format from now on.

Inside, add the following code:

from asphalt.core import ContainerComponent, Context
from kyoukai import Kyoukai
from kyoukai import KyoukaiComponent

app = Kyoukai("api")

class AppContainer(ContainerComponent):
     async def start(self, ctx: Context):
        self.add_component('kyoukai', KyoukaiComponent, ip="", port=4444,

        await super().start(ctx)

That’s a lot of code to process. Let’s break it down again.

  1. First, you have the creation of the app. Nothing unusual here.

2. Next, the definition of a subclass for the app. This container contains a set of components, which are added to the app at run time, and configured appropriately.

3. The addition of the KyoukaiComponent to the app. This adds the Kyoukai handler to Asphalt, which configures the application to run with additional contexts.

  1. A super call, which tells Asphalt to run our app immediately.

We’re not done yet, however. Now, the config file needs to be run.

Add a basic configuration file, named config.yml, with this simple piece of code.

  type: application.container:AppContainer
      ip: ""
      port: 4444

This creates a new AppContainer instance, and edits the configuration of the Kyoukai component within to set the IP and port to the ones in the config file.

To run this application, it’s as simple as the first Asphalt call:

asphalt run config.yml

Adding SQLAlchemy

Now that you’ve seen how to add basic components to your project, adding SQLAlchemy is easy.

Edit your start method in your AppContainer to add this line above your super call:

self.add_component('sqlalchemy', SQLAlchemyComponent)

Make sure to the add the import for this (from asphalt.sqlalchemy.component import SQLAlchemyComponent) too.

Next, in your config.yml, add a new section under components:

   url: "sqlite3:///tmp/database.db"
   metadata: application.db:metadata

This will automatically configure a SQLite3 database at /tmp/database.db to run with your application.

Note that the reference for the metadata doesn’t exist. You create your metadata like any other SQLAlchemy application, however you don’t add an engine or a session. The engine and session are automatically provided.