Your First Kyoukai App

In this tutorial, we’ll go through how to write your first Kyoukai app.

Application Skeleton

Strap in with your favourite IDE, and create your first new project. Name it something silly, for example my-first-kyokai-project. The name doesn’t matter, as you probably won’t be using it for long.

Directory layout

Kyoukai projects have a very simple layout.

$ ls --tree

├── static
└── templates

There are three components here:

    • This contains the main code for your app. This can be named absolutely anything, but we’re naming it app for simplicity’s sake.
  • templates
    • This contains all the templates used for rendering things server-side, or for putting your JS stack of doom inside.
  • static
    • This contains all the static files, such as your five bootstrap theme CSS files, or the millions of JS libraries you’ve included.

Writing the App

Open up and add your starting line.

from kyoukai import Kyoukai

This imports the Kyoukai application class from the library, allowing you to create a new object inside your code.


Routes in Kyoukai are very simple, and if you have ever used Flask, are similar in style to Flask routes.

Routes are made up of three parts:

  • The path

  • The allowed methods

    • This is a list, or set, or other iterable, of allowed HTTP/1.1 methods for the route to handle. If a method (e .g GET) is not in the list, the route cannot handle it, and a HTTP 405 error will automatically be passed to the client.
  • The route itself

    • Your route is a coroutine that accepts one argument, by default: the a new HTTPRequestContext, containing the request data and other context specific data.
    async def some_route(ctx: HTTPRequestContext): ...

We are going to write a very simple route that returns a Hello, world! file.

Creating the route

Routes in Kyoukai are created very similarly to Flask routes: with a decorator.

@app.route("/path", methods=["GET", "POST"])
As explained above, the route decorator takes a path and a method.
This route decorator returns a Route class, but this isn’t important right now.

The Route Coroutine

Your route function must be a coroutine. As Kyoukai is async, your code must also be async.

async def index(ctx): ...

Inside our route, we are going to return a string containing the rendered text from our template.


Templates are stored in templates/, obviously. They are partial HTML code, which can have parts in it replaced using code inside the template itself, or your view.

For now, we will put normal HTML in our file.

Open up templates/index.html and add the following code to it:

It's current year, and you're still using blocking code? Not <em>me!</em>

(note: do not replace current year with the actual current year.)

Save and close the template.

Rendering the template

Rendering the template requires an Asphalt extension - Asphalt Rendering. Once configured and installed, it can be used to render your template easily.

You can add it to your brand new route like so:

async def index(ctx):
    return ctx.jinja2.render("index.html")

Replace jinja2 with the appropriate rendering engine you selected.


Note, how in the previous coroutine, we simply returned a str in our route. This is not similar to aiohttp and the likes who force you to return a Response. You can return a response object in Kyoukai as normal, but for convenience sake, you can also return simply a string or a tuple.

These are transparently converted behind the scenes:

r = Response(code=route_result[1] or 200, body=route_result[0], headers=route_result[2] or {})

That is, the first item is converted to your response body, the second item (or 200 by default) is used as the response code, and the third code is used as the headers.


All return params except the first is optional, if you do not return a Response object.

Running your App

The ideal way of running a Kyoukai project is through the Asphalt framework. See Asphalt usage for more information on how to use this.

However, Kyoukai includes a built-in way of running the app from blocking code."", port=4444)


Whilst using, you will not have Asphalt Rendering enabled in your configuration.

The args passed in here are just the default values; they are optional.
Open up your web browser and point it to http://localhost:4444/. If you have done this correctly, you should see something like this:
example 1

example 1


There’s no special procedure for deploying your app. The inbuilt webserver is production ready, and you can run your application in a production environment in the same way as you would develop it.

Finishing your project

You have completed your first Kyoukai project. For maximum effectiveness, you must now publish it to GitHub.

$ git init
$ git remote add origin
$ git add .
$ git commit -a -m "Initial commit, look how cool I am!"
$ git push -u origin master