Source code for kyoukai.asphalt

Asphalt wrappers for Kyoukai.
import abc
import importlib
import socket
import ssl as py_ssl
from functools import partial
import logging

from asphalt.core import resolve_reference, Context
from asphalt.core.event import Signal, Event
from asphalt.core.component import Component
from werkzeug.routing import Rule
from werkzeug.wrappers import Request, Response

from kyoukai.blueprint import Blueprint
from kyoukai.route import Route

# Asphalt events.
[docs]class ConnectionMadeEvent(Event): # pragma: no cover """ Dispatched when a connection is made to the server. This does NOT fire when using WSGI workers. This has the protocol as the ``protocol`` attribute. """ def __init__(self, source, topic, *, protocol): super().__init__(source, topic) self.protocol = protocol
[docs]class ConnectionLostEvent(ConnectionMadeEvent): # pragma: no cover """ Dispatched when a connection is lost from the server. This does NOT fire when using WSGI workers. This has the protocol as the ``protocol`` attribute. """
class CtxEvent(Event): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self, source, topic, *, ctx: 'HTTPRequestContext'): super().__init__(source, topic) self.ctx = ctx
[docs]class RouteMatchedEvent(CtxEvent): # pragma: no cover """ Dispatched when a route is matched. This has the context as the ``ctx`` attribute, and the route can be accessed via ``ctx.route``. """
[docs]class RouteInvokedEvent(CtxEvent): # pragma: no cover """ Dispatched when a route is invoked. This has the context as the ``ctx`` attribute. """
[docs]class RouteReturnedEvent(CtxEvent): # pragma: no cover """ Dispatched after a route has returned. This has the context as the ``ctx`` attribute and the response as the ``result`` attribute. """ def __init__(self, source, topic, *, ctx, result: Response): super().__init__(source, topic, ctx=ctx) self.result = result
[docs]class KyoukaiBaseComponent(Component, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): # pragma: no cover """ The base class for any component used by Kyoukai. This one does not create a Server instance; it should be used when you are using a different HTTP server backend. """ connection_made = Signal(ConnectionMadeEvent) connection_lost = Signal(ConnectionLostEvent) def __init__(self, app, ip: str = "", port: int = 4444, **cfg): from import Kyoukai if not isinstance(app, Kyoukai): app = resolve_reference(app) #: The application object for a this component. = app #: The IP address to boot the server on. self.ip = ip #: The port to boot the server on. self.port = port #: The config file to use. self.cfg = cfg #: The :class:`asyncio.Server` instance that is serving us today. self.server = None #: The base context for this server. self.base_context = None # type: Context #: The backend to use for the HTTP server. self.backend = self.cfg.get("backend", "kyoukai.backends.httptools_") self.logger = logging.getLogger("Kyoukai") self._server_name = app.server_name or socket.getfqdn() @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] async def start(self, ctx: Context): """ Overridden in subclasses to spawn a new server. """
[docs] def get_server_name(self): """ :return: The server name of this app. """ return or self._server_name
[docs] def get_protocol(self, ctx: Context, serv_info: tuple): """ Gets the protocol to use for this webserver. """ if not hasattr(self, "_cached_mod"): mod = importlib.import_module(self.backend) self._cached_mod = mod server = getattr(self._cached_mod, self._cached_mod.PROTOCOL_CLASS) proto = server(self, ctx, *serv_info) ctx.protocol = proto return proto
[docs]class KyoukaiComponent(KyoukaiBaseComponent): # pragma: no cover """ A component for Kyoukai. This includes the built-in HTTP server. """ connection_made = Signal(ConnectionMadeEvent) connection_lost = Signal(ConnectionLostEvent) def __init__(self, app, ip: str = "", port: int = 4444, **cfg): """ Creates a new component. :param app: The application object to use. This can either be the real application object, or a string that resolves to a \ reference for the real application object. :param ip: If using the built-in HTTP server, the IP to bind to. :param port: If using the built-in HTTP server, the port to bind to. :param cfg: Additional configuration. """ super().__init__(app, ip, port, **cfg) for key, value in cfg.items(): setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def get_server_name(self): """ :return: The server name of this app. """ return or self._server_name
[docs] async def start(self, ctx: Context): """ Starts the webserver if required. :param ctx: The base context. """ self.base_context = ctx ssl_context = None if self.cfg.get("ssl", {}): ssl = self.cfg["ssl"] if ssl.get("enabled") is True: ssl_context = py_ssl.create_default_context(py_ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) # override the ciphers ssl_context.set_ciphers( "EECDH+CHACHA20:EECDH+CHACHA20-draft:" # CHACHA20 for newer openssl "EECDH+AES128:RSA+AES128:" # Standard AES "EECDH+AES256:RSA+AES256:" # Slower AES "EECDH+3DES:RSA+3DES:" # 3DES for older systems "!aNULL:!eNULL:!MD5:!DSS:!RC4") # Disable insecure ciphers ssl_context.load_cert_chain(certfile=ssl["ssl_certfile"], keyfile=ssl["ssl_keyfile"]) if self.cfg.get("http2", False) is True: ssl_context.set_alpn_protocols(["h2"]) try: ssl_context.set_npn_protocols(["h2"]) except NotImplementedError: # NPN protocol doesn't work here, so don't bother setting it pass"Using HTTP over TLS.") protocol = partial(self.get_protocol, ctx, (self._server_name, self.port)) self.server = await, self.ip, self.port, ssl=ssl_context)"Kyoukai serving on {}:{}.".format(self.ip, self.port))
[docs]class HTTPRequestContext(Context): """ The context subclass passed to all requests within Kyoukai. """ route_matched = Signal(RouteMatchedEvent) route_invoked = Signal(RouteInvokedEvent) route_completed = Signal(RouteReturnedEvent) def __init__(self, parent: Context, request: Request): super().__init__(parent) #: The :class:`~.Kyoukai` object this request is handling. = None # type: Kyoukai #: The :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.Request` object this request is handling. self.request = request #: The :class:`~.Route` object this request is for. self.route = None # type: Route #: The :class:`~.Blueprint` object this request is for. self.bp = None # type: Blueprint #: The :class:`werkzeug.routing.Rule` object associated with this request. self.rule = None # type: Rule #: The WSGI environment for this request. self.environ = self.request.environ # type: dict #: The :class:`asyncio.Protocol` protocol handling this connection. self.proto = None
[docs] def url_for(self, endpoint: str, *, method: str, **kwargs): """ A context-local version of ``url_for``. For more information, see the documentation on :meth:`~.Blueprint.url_for`. """ return, endpoint, method=method, **kwargs)