Source code for kyoukai.backends.httptools_

A high-performance HTTP/1.1 backend for the Kyoukai webserver using `httptools 
import asyncio
import base64
import logging
import traceback
import warnings
from io import BytesIO

import httptools
from asphalt.core import Context
from werkzeug.exceptions import MethodNotAllowed, BadRequest, InternalServerError
from werkzeug.wrappers import Request, Response

from kyoukai.backends.http2 import H2KyoukaiProtocol
from kyoukai.wsgi import to_wsgi_environment, get_formatted_response

Server: Kyoukai
X-Powered-By: Kyoukai
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 310

<title>Critical Server Error</title>
<h1>Critical Server Error</h1>
<p>An unrecoverable error has occurred within Kyoukai.
If you are the developer, please report this at <a href="">the Kyoukai issue
""".replace("\n", "\r\n")

Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: h2c
Server: Kyoukai
Content-Length: 0

""".replace("\n", "\r\n")

PROTOCOL_CLASS = "KyoukaiProtocol"

[docs]class KyoukaiProtocol(asyncio.Protocol): # pragma: no cover """ The base protocol for Kyoukai using httptools for a HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 interface. """ def __init__(self, component, parent_context: Context, server_ip: str, server_port: int): """ :param component: The :class:`kyoukai.asphalt.KyoukaiComponent` associated with this request. :param parent_context: The parent context for this request. A new HTTPRequestContext will be derived from this. """ self.component = component = self.parent_context = parent_context self.server_ip = server_ip self.server_port = server_port # Transport. # This is written to by our request when it's done. self.transport = None # type: asyncio.WriteTransport # Request lock. # This ensures that requests are processed serially, and responded to in the correct order, # as the lock is released after processing a request completely. self.lock = asyncio.Lock() # The parser itself. # This is created per connection, and uses our own class. self.parser = httptools.HttpRequestParser(self) # A waiter that 'waits' on the event to clear. # Once the wait is over, it then delegates the request to the app. self.waiter = None # type: asyncio.Task # The IP and port of the client. self.ip, self.client_port = None, None # Intermediary data storage. # This is a list because headers are appended as (Name, Value) pairs. # In HTTP/1.1, there can be multiple headers with the same name but different values. self.headers = [] self.body = BytesIO() self.full_url = "" self.loop = self.logger = logging.getLogger("Kyoukai.HTTP11")
[docs] def replace(self, other: type, *args, **kwargs) -> type: """ Replaces our type with the other. """ # Copy the properties we need. component = self.component app = # Goodbye, ourselves! self.__class__ = other # Hello, not ourselves! # Call the new __init__. other.__init__(self, component, app, *args, **kwargs) return self
# httptools callbacks
[docs] def on_message_begin(self): """ Called when a message begins. """ self.body = BytesIO() self.headers = [] self.full_url = ""
[docs] def on_header(self, name: bytes, value: bytes): """ Called when a header has been received. :param name: The name of the header. :param value: The value of the header. """ self.headers.append((name.decode(), value.decode()))
[docs] def on_headers_complete(self): """ Called when the headers have been completely sent. """
[docs] def on_body(self, body: bytes): """ Called when part of the body has been received. :param body: The body text. """ self.body.write(body)
[docs] def on_url(self, url: bytes): """ Called when a URL is received from the client. """ self.full_url = url.decode("utf-8")
[docs] def on_message_complete(self): """ Called when a message is complete. This creates the worker task which will begin processing the request. """ task = self.loop.create_task(self._wait_wrapper()) self.waiter = task
# asyncio procs
[docs] def connection_made(self, transport: asyncio.WriteTransport): """ Called when a connection is made via asyncio. :param transport: The transport this is using. """ try: self.ip, self.client_port = transport.get_extra_info("peername") self.logger.debug("Connection received from {}:{}".format(self.ip, self.client_port)) except ValueError: # Sometimes socket.socket.getpeername() isn't available, so it tried to unpack a None. # Or, it returns None (wtf?) # So just provide some fake values. warnings.warn("getpeername() returned None, cannot provide transport information.") self.ip, self.client_port = None, None self.transport = transport ssl_sock = self.transport.get_extra_info("ssl_object") if ssl_sock is not None: # Check if we negotiated a HTTP/2 connection. # This will check the ALPN protocol, but failing that, fall back to the NPN protocol. negotiated_protocol = ssl_sock.selected_alpn_protocol() if negotiated_protocol is None: negotiated_protocol = ssl_sock.selected_npn_protocol() if negotiated_protocol == "h2": # switch protocol to http/2 handler transport = self.transport new_self = self.replace(H2KyoukaiProtocol) # type: H2KyoukaiProtocol # make sure the new connection type(new_self).connection_made(new_self, transport) return self.component.connection_made.dispatch(protocol=self)
def connection_lost(self, exc): self.logger.debug("Connection lost from {}:{}".format(self.ip, self.client_port)) self.component.connection_lost.dispatch(protocol=self)
[docs] def data_received(self, data: bytes): """ Called when data is received into the connection. """ # Feed it into the parser, and handle any errors that might happen. try: self.parser.feed_data(data) except httptools.HttpParserInvalidMethodError as e: # Exceptions here are a bit tricky. # We can't simply call into the app to have it handle a 405/400 - there's no Request, # or environment.Instead, what we do is call a wrapper function # (handle_parser_exception) which will generate a fake WSGI environment, and then # automatically return a werkzeug httpexception that corresponds. self.handle_parser_exception(e) except httptools.HttpParserError as e: traceback.print_exc() self.handle_parser_exception(e) except httptools.HttpParserUpgrade as e: # It's a HTTP upgrade! # The only valid values of these that we wish to support (currently) are `h2c` and # `Websocket`. Currently, Kyoukai does not support websocket upgrade (soon™). # However, we cannot silently ignore websocket upgrades - we discard those for now and # disconnect. # Anything else, we also discard and disconnect. # httptools sucks, and only provides us an offset. # so what we do is hope the `Upgrade` header is in our header list. for name, header in self.headers: if name.lower() == "upgrade": upgrade = header break else: # thanks, we can't do shit. self.handle_parser_exception(e) return # If it's h2c, replace ourselves with the HTTP/2 client. if upgrade.lower() == "h2c": # Copy the transport into our local scope, as it becomes None after we've switched # type. Once we've replaced ourselves, call `connection_made` on the new type to # initialize. for name, header in self.headers: if name.lower() == "http2-settings": http2_settings = header break else: # can't find the http2_settings header, rip self.handle_parser_exception(e) return"Upgrading HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2 connection.") # base64 decode the http2 settings packet decoded = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(http2_settings) # send a 101 switching protocols self.write(HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) transport = self.transport new_self = self.replace(H2KyoukaiProtocol) # type: H2KyoukaiProtocol # update with the new settings new_self.conn.initiate_upgrade_connection(decoded) # this will have updated settings; now switch protocols. type(new_self).connection_made(new_self, transport) return # If it's Websocket, disconnect. if upgrade.lower() == "websocket": self.handle_parser_exception(e) return # If it's anything else, disconnect. self.handle_parser_exception(e) return
# kyoukai handling
[docs] def handle_parser_exception(self, exc: Exception): """ Handles an exception when parsing. This will not call into the app (hence why it is a normal function, and not a coroutine). It will also close the connection when it's done. :param exc: The exception to handle. """ if isinstance(exc, httptools.HttpParserInvalidMethodError): # 405 method not allowed r = MethodNotAllowed() elif isinstance(exc, (httptools.HttpParserError, httptools.HttpParserUpgrade)): # 400 bad request r = BadRequest() else: # internal server error r = InternalServerError() # Make a fake environment. new_environ = to_wsgi_environment(headers=self.headers, method="", path="/", http_version="1.0", body=None) new_environ["SERVER_NAME"] = self.component.get_server_name() new_environ["SERVER_PORT"] = str(self.server_port) new_environ["REMOTE_ADDR"] = self.ip self.raw_write(get_formatted_response(r, new_environ)) self.parser = httptools.HttpRequestParser(self) self.close()
async def _wait_wrapper(self): try: if hasattr(self, "_wait"): await self._wait() else: return except: self.logger.critical("Error in Kyoukai's HTTP handling!") traceback.print_exc() self._raw_write(CRITICAL_ERROR_TEXT.encode()) self.close() finally: # we might have change protocol by now. # if so, don't try and cancel the non-existant thing. if hasattr(self, "waiter"): self.waiter.cancel() self.waiter = None self.parser = httptools.HttpRequestParser(self)
[docs] async def _wait(self): """ The main core of the protocol. This constructs a new Werkzeug request from the headers. """ # Event is set, construct the new fake WSGI environment # Check if the body has data in it by asking it to tell us what position it's seeked to. # If it's > 0, it has data, so we can use it. Otherwise, it doesn't, so it's useless. told = self.body.tell() if told: self.logger.debug("Read {} bytes of data from the connection".format(told)) body = self.body else: body = None version = self.parser.get_http_version() method = self.parser.get_method().decode() new_environ = to_wsgi_environment(headers=self.headers, method=method, path=self.full_url, http_version=version, body=body) new_environ["kyoukai.protocol"] = self new_environ["SERVER_NAME"] = self.component.get_server_name() new_environ["SERVER_PORT"] = str(self.server_port) new_environ["REMOTE_ADDR"] = self.ip new_environ["REMOTE_PORT"] = self.client_port # Construct a Request object. new_r =, False) # Invoke the app. async with self.lock: try: result = await, self.parent_context) except Exception: # not good! # write the scary exception text self.logger.exception("Error in Kyoukai request handling!") self._raw_write(CRITICAL_ERROR_TEXT.encode("utf-8")) return else: # Write the response. self.write_response(result, new_environ) finally: if not self.parser.should_keep_alive(): self.close() # unlock the event and remove the waiter self.parser = httptools.HttpRequestParser(self)
# transport methods def close(self): return self.transport.close()
[docs] def write_response(self, response: Response, fake_environ: dict): """ Writes a Werkzeug response to the transport. """ return self.raw_write(get_formatted_response(response, fake_environ))
[docs] def write(self, data: str): """ Writes data to the socket. """ d = data.encode() return self.raw_write(d)
[docs] def raw_write(self, data: bytes): """ Writes data to the transport. """ return self._raw_write(data)
[docs] def _raw_write(self, data: bytes): """ Does a raw write to the underlying transport, if we can. :param data: The data to write. """ try: self.transport.write(data) except OSError: # connection might be closed... # just ignore it. return