Source code for kyoukai.blueprint

A blueprint is a container - a collection of routes.

Kyoukai uses Blueprints to create a routing tree - a tree of blueprints that are used to collect routes together and
match routes easily.
import logging
import typing
from kyoukai.routegroup import RouteGroup, get_rg_bp

from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException
from werkzeug.routing import Map, Rule
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response

from kyoukai.route import Route

logger = logging.getLogger("Kyoukai")

[docs]class Blueprint(object): """ A Blueprint class contains a Map of URL rules, which is checked and ran for every """ def __init__(self, name: str, parent: 'Blueprint' = None, prefix: str = "", *, host_matching: bool = False, host: str = None): """ :param name: The name of this Blueprint. This is used when generating endpoints in the finalize stage. :param parent: The parent of this Blueprint. Parent blueprints will gather the routes of their children, and return a giant :class:`werkzeug.routing.Map` object that contains all of the route maps in the children :param prefix: The prefix to be added to the start of every route name. This is inherited from parents - the parent prefix will also be added to the start of every route. :param host_matching: Should host matching be enabled? This is implicitly True if ``host`` is non-None. :param host: The host of the Blueprint. Used for custom subdomain routing. If this is None, then this Blueprint will be used for all hosts. """ #: The name of this Blueprint. = name #: The parent :class:`~.Blueprint`. self._parent = parent #: Any children :class:`~.Blueprint` objects. self._children = [] #: The current URL prefix. self._prefix = prefix #: If this Blueprint is finalized or not. #: Finalization of a blueprint means gathering all of the Maps, and compiling a routing #: table which stores the endpoints. self.finalized = False #: The list of routes. #: This is used in finalization. self.routes = [] #: The :class:`~werkzeug.routing.Map` used for this blueprint. self._route_map = None # type: Map #: The error handler dictionary. self.errorhandlers = {} #: The request hooks for this Blueprint. self._request_hooks = {} #: The host for this Blueprint. self._host = host self._host_matching = host_matching or self._host is not None @property def parent(self) -> "Blueprint": """ :return: The parent Blueprint of this blueprint. """ return self._parent @property def prefix(self) -> str: """ :return: The combined prefix of this Blueprint. """ if self._parent: return self._parent.prefix + self._prefix return self._prefix @property def tree_routes(self) -> 'typing.Generator[Route, None, None]': """ :return: A generator that yields all routes from the tree, from parent to children. """ for route in self.routes: yield route for child in self._children: yield from child.tree_routes @property def host(self) -> str: """ :return: The host for this Blueprint, or the host of any parent Blueprint. """ if self._parent: return self._host or return self._host
[docs] def traverse_tree(self) -> 'typing.Generator[Blueprint, None, None]': """ Traverses the tree for children Blueprints. """ for child in self._children: yield from child.traverse_tree() yield child
[docs] def finalize(self, **map_options) -> Map: """ Called on the root Blueprint when all Blueprints have been registered and the app is starting. This will automatically build a :class:`werkzeug.routing.Map` of :class:`werkzeug.routing.Rule` objects for each Blueprint. .. note:: Calling this on sub-blueprints will have no effect, apart from generating a Map. It is recommended to only call this on the root Blueprint. :param map_options: The options to pass to the created Map. :return: The :class:`werkzeug.routing.Map` created from the routing tree. """ routes = self.routes.copy() for child in self._children: routes.extend(list(child.tree_routes))"Scanned {} routes over {} child blueprint(s), building URL mapping now." .format(len(routes), sum(1 for x in self.traverse_tree()))) # Make a new Map() out of all of the routes. rule_map = Map([route.create_rule() for route in routes], host_matching=self._host_matching)"Built route mapping with {} rules.".format(len(rule_map._rules))) self._route_map = rule_map self.finalized = True return rule_map
[docs] def add_child(self, blueprint: 'Blueprint') -> 'Blueprint': """ Adds a Blueprint as a child of this one. This is automatically called when using another Blueprint as a parent. :param blueprint: The blueprint to add as a child. """ self._children.append(blueprint) blueprint._parent = self return blueprint
[docs] def route(self, routing_url: str, methods: typing.Iterable[str] = ("GET",), **kwargs): """ Convenience decorator for adding a route. This is equivalent to: .. code-block:: python route = bp.wrap_route(func, **kwargs) bp.add_route(route, routing_url, methods) """ def _inner(func): route = self.wrap_route(func, **kwargs) self.add_route(route, routing_url, methods) return route return _inner
[docs] def errorhandler(self, code: int): """ Helper decorator for adding an error handler. This is equivalent to: .. code-block:: python route = bp.add_errorhandler(cbl, code) :param code: The error handler code to use. """ def _inner(cbl): self.add_errorhandler(cbl, code) return cbl return _inner
[docs] def wrap_route(self, cbl, *args, **kwargs) -> Route: """ Wraps a callable in a Route. This is required for routes to be added. :param cbl: The callable to wrap. :return: A new :class:`~.Route` object. """ rtt = Route(cbl, *args, **kwargs) return rtt
[docs] def add_errorhandler(self, cbl, errorcode: int): """ Adds an error handler to the table of error handlers. A blueprint can only have one error handler per code. If it doesn't have an error handler for that code, it will try to fetch recursively the parent's error handler. :param cbl: The callable error handler. :param errorcode: The error code to handle, for example 404. """ # for simplicity sake, wrap it in a route. rtt = self.wrap_route(cbl, should_invoke_hooks=False) self.errorhandlers[errorcode] = rtt rtt.bp = self return rtt
[docs] def get_errorhandler(self, exc: typing.Union[HTTPException, int]) -> typing.Union[None, Route]: """ Recursively acquires the error handler for the specified error. :param exc: The exception to get the error handler for. This can either be a HTTPException object, or an integer. :return: The :class:`~.Route` object that corresponds to the error handler, \ or None if no error handler could be found. """ if isinstance(exc, HTTPException): exc = exc.code try: return self.errorhandlers[exc] except KeyError: try: return self._parent.get_errorhandler(exc) except (KeyError, AttributeError): return None
[docs] def get_hooks(self, type_: str): """ Gets a list of hooks that match the current type. These are ordered from parent to child. :param type_: The type of hooks to get (currently "pre" or "post"). :return: An iterable of hooks to run. """ hooks = [] if self._parent: hooks.extend(self._parent.get_hooks(type_)) hooks.extend(self._request_hooks.get(type_, [])) return hooks
[docs] def add_hook(self, type_: str, hook): """ Adds a hook to the current Blueprint. :param type_: The type of hook to add (currently "pre" or "post"). :param hook: The callable function to add as a hook. """ if type_ not in self._request_hooks: self._request_hooks[type_] = [] self._request_hooks[type_].append(hook) return hook
[docs] def after_request(self, func): """ Convenience decorator to add a post-request hook. """ return self.add_hook(type_="post", hook=func)
[docs] def before_request(self, func): """ Convenience decorator to add a pre-request hook. """ return self.add_hook(type_="pre", hook=func)
[docs] def add_route(self, route: Route, routing_url: str, methods: typing.Iterable[str] = ("GET",)): """ Adds a route to the routing table and map. :param route: The route object to add. This can be gotten from :class:`.Blueprint.wrap_route`, or by directly creating a Route object. :param routing_url: The Werkzeug-compatible routing URL to add this route under. For more information, see :param methods: An iterable of valid method this route can be called with. :return: The unmodified :class:`~.Route` object. """ # Create an endpoint name for the route. route.routing_url = routing_url route.methods = methods # Add it to the list of routes to add later. self.routes.append(route) # Add the self to the route. route.bp = self return route
[docs] def get_route(self, endpoint: str) -> 'typing.Union[Route, None]': """ Gets the route associated with an endpoint. """ for route in self.tree_routes: if route.get_endpoint_name() == endpoint: return route return None
[docs] def add_route_group(self, group: 'RouteGroup'): """ Adds a route group to the current Blueprint. :param group: The :class:`~.RouteGroup` to add. """ bp = get_rg_bp(group) self.add_child(bp) return self
[docs] def url_for(self, environment: dict, endpoint: str, *, method: str = None, **kwargs) -> str: """ Gets the URL for a specified endpoint using the arguments of the route. This works very similarly to Flask's ``url_for``. It is not recommended to invoke this method directly - instead, ``url_for`` is set on the context object that is provided to your user function. This will allow you to invoke it with the correct environment already set. :param environment: The WSGI environment to use to bind to the adapter. :param endpoint: The endpoint to try and retrieve. :param method: If set, the method to explicitly provide (for similar endpoints with \ different allowed routes). :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to provide to the route. :return: The built URL for this endpoint. """ bound = self._route_map.bind_to_environ(environment) # Build the URL from the endpoint. built_url =, values=kwargs, method=method) return built_url
[docs] def match(self, environment: dict) -> typing.Tuple[Route, typing.Container[typing.Any]]: """ Matches with the WSGI environment. :param environment: The environment dict to perform matching with. You can use the ``environ`` argument of a Request to get the environment back. :return: A Route object, which can be invoked to return the right response, and the \ parameters to invoke it with. """ # Get the MapAdapter used for matching. adapter = self._route_map.bind_to_environ(environment) # Match the route, without catching any exceptions. # These exceptions are propagated into the app and handled there instead. endpoint, params = adapter.match() route = self.get_route(endpoint) return route, params