Source code for kyoukai.util

Misc utilities for usage inside the framework.
import json

import typing
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response

# response utilities
[docs]def as_html(text: str, code: int = 200, headers: dict = None) -> Response: """ Returns a HTML response. .. code-block:: python return as_html("<h1>Hel Na</h1>", code=403) :param text: The text to return. :param code: The status code of the response. :param headers: Any optional headers. :return: A new :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.Response` representing the HTML. """ if headers is None: headers = {} r = Response(text, status=code, headers={"Content-Type": "text/html", **headers}) return r
[docs]def as_plaintext(text: str, code: int = 200, headers: dict = None) -> Response: """ Returns a plaintext response. .. code-block:: python return as_plaintext("hel yea", code=201) :param text: The text to return. :param code: The status code of the response. :param headers: Any optional headers. :return: A new :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.Response` representing the text. """ if headers is None: headers = {} r = Response(text, status=code, headers={"Content-Type": "text/plain", **headers}) return r
[docs]def as_json(data: typing.Union[dict, list], code: int = 200, headers: dict = None, *, json_encoder: json.JSONEncoder = None) -> Response: """ Returns a JSON response. .. code-block:: python return as_json({"response": "yes", "code": 201}, code=201) :param data: The data to encode. :param code: The status code of the response. :param headers: Any optional headers. :param json_encoder: The encoder class to use to encode. :return: A new :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.Response` representing the JSON. """ if headers is None: headers = {} dumped = json.dumps(data, cls=json_encoder) r = Response(dumped, status=code, headers=headers) return r
[docs]def wrap_response(args, response_class: Response = Response) -> Response: """ Wrap up a response, if applicable. This allows Flask-like `return "whatever"`. :param args: The arguments that are being wrapped. :param response_class: The Response class that is being used. """ if not args: # Return a 204 NO CONTENT. return response_class("", status=204) if isinstance(args, tuple): # We enforce ``tuple`` here instead of any iterable. if len(args) == 1: # Only body, use 200 for the response code. return response_class(args[0], status=200) if len(args) == 2: # Body and status code. return response_class(args[0], status=args[1]) if len(args) == 3: # Body, status code, and headers. return response_class(args[0], status=args[1], headers=args[2]) raise TypeError("Cannot return more than 3 arguments from a view") if isinstance(args, response_class): # Return the bare response, unmodified. return args # Otherwise, wrap it in a response. return response_class(args)